Another First Day

How many times have you heard the phrase "this is the first day of the rest of your life"? On the cork board above my computer there are several small pieces of paper with dates noted on them that I've pinned to the board. "July 12, 2007" is up there a little to the left of "Feb. 15, 2008". I have other dates pinned there too.
No one else knows why the dates are important to me. The dates represent learning experiences. Specific things happened on those days that I don't want to forget. Days that I found myself in situations where I noticed either in my own behavior, or in the behavior of another, the start of a pattern I could build on or one in which I was already involved and needed to stop completely.
It's interesting and sometimes baffling to me how many times I need to see something or be involved in a situation before I really get it. How many times before I realize that I'm doing the same thing in the same situation over and over again and I'm heading toward the same result unless I handle it differently?
Until we realize that we need to be or do or act differently than we are we won't. It's much easier to see when other folks need an attitude adjustment isn't it? And sometimes it is easier for other people to see things about us that we need to change than it is for us to see those things in ourselves. The point is, we have to not only see it but we must on our own decide to make the change or it's not going to happen. You can't accomplish much trying to change someone else and they won't get far attempting to change you unless individually you both see the need and have the desire to do something about it.
Once you see it, (if you are sincerely looking you will) I mean really see it, you don't want to forget it. Because it is a great thing to spot in yourself a flaw and begin to repair it, or a strength and begin to cultivate it. We all have plenty of each.
It is also better to notice in someone else a strength and compliment it than it is to look past it so you can find a flaw and criticize it. Every day gives me ample opportunity to be a witness to my own weaknesses so I shouldn't have much time left to spend pointing out yours.
Try to be more cue-conscious as you go about your day. You might notice something you've been overlooking. I can tell you from experience, you've missed a few that were right in front of you. Then when you do, write it down, pin it where you can see it and remember it and think about it every day. It's a good thing to do because this is the first day of the rest of your life.
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