Lesson From A Bluebird

Early one morning a few days ago, after one of the many sleepless nights I've experienced lately, I decided to get up, make some coffee and go outside to sit on the front porch. It was about 4 am by the time I made it outside and all was still.
Early morning (maybe not quite this early) is my favorite time of day. It was peaceful sitting there waiting for this part of the world to come alive.
I grabbed my binoculars on the way out hoping I might see a few early birds. Daylight brought the first visitor, a male bluebird looking for breakfast. I watched as he made several trips from his perch to the ground and back. He would spot a bug or something in the grass and quickly fly down and make a meal of it before heading back up to his branch for more hunting.
After watching the bluebird carry on for several minutes I was overcome with the thought of the complexity, simplicity and perfection of Gods' creation. I noticed how focused the bird seemed to be. The bluebird was doing exactly what God created him to do. Nothing more and nothing less. He was accomplishing in his life everything that God expected of him. He was doing it with no grumbling, no arguing, no excuses and nothing that would cause God to think that even for a moment that he was trying to be anything but the bluebird God created him to be.
How much more pleasing to God would we be if we desired only to become what He created us to be? No grumbling, no arguing, no excuses and nothing that would cause God to think even for a moment that we were trying to be anything but faithful servants in His Kingdom.
When things work exactly as God created and designed them to work we witness absolute perfection. If I had been asleep the other morning I would have missed a lesson I needed. A lesson from a bluebird.