
I've wanted to have a blog for a long time. But not until right now have I been able to get past the idea that I may not have anything interesting to blog about. Nothing at least, that would be interesting enough for someone else to read. However, after personally reading countless posts by folks who have been blogging for years, have huge followings and mostly blog about things that bore me, I've come to the conclusion that the idea of having "something interesting" to write about is relative. What you and I find interesting may be considered a complete waste of time by another. So, I'll write about things that interest me. If other folks tune in and relate then all the better. If not, at least I'll be interested in (at least some of) the things I think about. The biggest thing for me though, in posting this blog will be getting over the fear of actually writing publicly what I think about. More than anything else, that is what this is all about.

So, I'm underway and hope to soon find a route to open water. Hopefully this journey will not be abandoned because of sandspurs, reefs or the hostile natives often found bordering the most scenic seashores. I hope I'll see you at some of my stops. You're welcome to come aboard and gam a bit.


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